Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart.—Gen. 6:6.
“I was devastated,” says one sister whose daughter was disfellowshipped. It may be difficult for those who have never experienced such a loss to appreciate how devastating it can be. Nevertheless, it would be unwise to let the improper course of a disfellowshipped family member distance you from Jehovah. How, then, can you cope with the profound grief that arises when a family member leaves Jehovah? Do not blame yourself for what happened. Jehovah has put a choice before humans, and each dedicated and baptized family member must “carry his own load” of responsibility. (Gal. 6:5) Ultimately, Jehovah holds the sinner—not you—responsible for his or her choice. (Ezek. 18:20) Also, do not blame others. Respect Jehovah’s arrangement for discipline. Take your stand against the Devil—not against shepherds who act to protect the congregation.—1 Pet. 5:8, 9. w13 1/15 2:16-18
Notice that the paragraph describes disfellowshipping and its tragic consequences as Jehovah's arrangement. If that were true why isn't the word disfellowship clearly in scripture? Why did it come to be used first in 1952 after criticizing other religions for using it a weapon to hold their members? Yes it is very true that unrepentant sinners be disciplined according to the bible but the extremes as proposed by the watchtower is unacceptable.
Further reading;
The history of disfellowshipping on JWFACTS.COM
Governing body member Franz on wikipedia
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