Monday, 26 May 2014

Jihadwatch seeking shade under Jehovah's Witnesses book examination

The fact that a Western country is inspecting religious books for being in line with democratic laws is a major breakthrough. We should all forward this example to relevant politicians in our country and ask them to check the Quran as well.

Finland is going to examine whether a book by Jehovah’s Witnesses is in line with Finnish rule of law. I suggest that Finland and all other Western countries do the same with the Quran. Or do they not dare to?


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Proposed ordinance doesn't create conflict peoples faith including Jehovah's witnesses

Religious freedom is a fundamental American value, the first liberty protected in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. From our country's founding, we have guarded the right to believe and to worship - or not - according to individual conscience without interference from the state.
The result is that religion flourishes in our society as in no other, as demonstrated by Texas' own example. According to the Texas Almanac, Texas communities include Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Sikhs and Unitarian Universalists. Each adherent enjoys the right to participate in civic life without fear of being marginalized or excluded because of government favoritism for any one sect.

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Two Jehovah's Witnesses gain millions for spearheading blood management program

Prof Loff made the call after The Sunday Times revealed last week that WA’s PBM program – aimed at cutting blood transfusions to patients in public hospitals – was spearheaded by two Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Prof Loff, who has been on the World Health Organisation’s ethical review committee and the Australian Health Ethics Committee, said it was very important to maintain public confidence in the sensitive area of blood transfusion.

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Convicted paedophile allowed to interrogate victims at Jehovah's Witnesses meeting

A Jehovah's Witness elder who was convicted of abusing young girls was allowed to publicly cross-examine his victims at a meeting arranged by the church.
Jonathan Rose, 40, was convicted of molesting the women when they were aged five and ten. 
He was jailed for nine months in October last year.
But after his release the victims – who were members of his Jehovah’s Witness group – and a third woman were told that if they wanted him barred from the church they had to relive their ordeal in front of elders.

Read more: Here

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Monday, 19 May 2014

Pope of Egypt claims ; Jehovah's Witnesses are unchristian, illegal sect

Pope Tawadros II denounced the Jehovah's Witnesses sect in a television interview on Sunday, describing it as "unchristian".
"The Jehovah's Witnesses sect is unchristian, illegal and originally a Zionist movement," said the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church in a joint interview Sunday night conducted by three Egyptian Christian TV channels.
Such bombastic statement at witnesses is not uncommon. Many people denounce them as such. Some even refer to them as a cult.
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Jehovah's Witnesses to hand over top secret manual

YLE UUTISET is reporting on Friday 16th May 2014, that Jehovah’s Witnesses will give their secret religious rule book to the Minister of Justice and the Minister of the Interior in Finland so it can be inspected to ensure that its in line with the Finnish rule of law.

READ the report here

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Family of Jehovah's Witnesses struck by lightning

Five members of a family of Jehovah's Witnesses were injured after being struck by lightning during a violent storm.
A grandmother, her two daughters and two grandchildren were all hit by the lightning bolt in the garden of their home in Limbach-Oberfrohna, near Dresden, Germany.

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How two Jehovah’s Witnesses were paid millions to restrict WA blood transfusions

THE WA Department of Health has paid almost $4 million to two Jehovah’s Witnesses, neither of whom is a medical doctor, to roll out a statewide program to cut blood transfusions to thousands of patients being treated in public hospitals.

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Saturday, 10 May 2014

Dog bites Jehovah's Witness

This is an old report but it's silly how "Beware of dogs" sign post will not stop Jehovah's Witnesses from knocking on doors.

They've got to fill the Field Service Report.

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Conversations with JW Elder by Evidence Ministries missionary

The editor of Evidence Ministries happened to meet one of Jehovah's Witnesses elder who agreed to study with him to settle some questions he had after the 2013 memorial.

I bet you dont want to miss the summary of the series.

  1. Follow Up On The Memorial- A Meeting With the Elders.
  2. Watchtower Faith In Jeopardy
  3. Rude Dude With a ‘Tude- A Meeting With Two Jehovah’s Witnesses
  4. Tough Meeting With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  5. An Uneventful, Yet interesting Meeting With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  6. Stuffing Aces With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  7. A Discussion with a Jehovah’s Witness Elder About Faith Based Hospitals
  8. Discussing the Name of God With a Jehovah’s Witness 
  9. Part Two- Discussing the Name of God With a Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  10. No Meeting With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder Today
  11. Resuming My Meetings With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  12. Discussing Bereans With a Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  13. Discussing New Light With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  14. Discussing The Authority Of The Watchtower With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder, Part 1
  15. Discussing The Authority Of The Watchtower With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder, Part 2
  16. Rehashing the Name of God with a Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  17. Once Again, The Name of God With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  18. Forgiveness Of Sin With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  19. Defining “Inspiration” With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  20. War With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  21. Politics With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  22. Birthdays With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  23. The New, New World Translation With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  24. Some Tactics I Use With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  25. Philosophy And Crap With a Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  26. The Gospel Of The Jack-O-Lantern With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  27. False Prophecy With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  28. Gospel Questions For A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  29. False Prophecy Part 2 With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  30. False Prophecy Part 3 With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  31. False Prophecy 4.1 With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  32. False Prophecy 4.2 With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  33. False Prophecy 4.3 With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  34. Thanksgiving and the Deity of Christ With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  35. Explaining The Equality Of Jesus And The Father To A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  36. Discussing God’s Purpose For The Earth With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  37. A Twisted View Of God With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  38. Who Rules The World With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  39. Exercising Faith With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder Part 1
  40. Exercising Faith With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder Part 2
  41. Jehovah’s Memory With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  42. The Messiah With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder
  43. The Deity Of Christ With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder Part 1
  44. The Deity Of Christ With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder Part 2
  45. The End with a Jehovah’s Witness Elder Part 1
  46. THE END With A Jehovah’s Witness Elder Part 2